Self Introduction
Lizard King825
2006-11-16 06:23:27 UTC
Dana E Hoffman Jr

Full legal name
Dana E Hoffman Jr

Location (Country, City, etc)
Usa, West Chazy, Ny , 12992

Profession or Student status
Disabled & part time self empolyed

Company or School
Extreme Computers

Your goals in the Fedora Legacy Project
I want to be a part of helping fedora project, I have time and I am willing to learn

Which OS versions are you interested in?
fedora 3,4,5,6, etc...

Do you want to do QA for packages?
If I can learn it I will. *

Anything else special?
I am willing to learn and help as much as I can possible for the fedora project
If I get stuck I like to do my research and ask around, this is one really nice thing about
fedora is it a friendly people o/s I think.

What other projects have you worked on in the past?
This will be my first project :)

What computer languages and other skills do you know?
I dont have know computer languages

Why should we trust you?
I want to help the community with this project, I will be loyal and honest at all times.
I will be proud to be part of the fedora project.

Be sure that your GPG key is uploaded to pgp.mit.edu. Use "gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-key KEYID".

gpg --fingerprint 2C3A3E42
pub 1024D/2C3A3E42 2006-11-16
Key fingerprint = 3C07 CCC8 9E75 900A 0C16 44C6 648F 5940 2C3A 3E42
uid Dana E Hoffman Jr <***@yahoo.com>
sub 2048g/C87D953D 2006-11-16

thank you

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Jeff Sheltren
2006-11-16 12:48:16 UTC
Hi Dana, and welcome! We could definitely use some help with QA at
the moment. Please check out http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legacy/
QATesting for more info on how it all works. You can see a list of
current bugs here:
or just search for Legacy bugs at bugzilla.redhat.com for the most
current list.

Post by Lizard King825
Dana E Hoffman Jr
Full legal name
Dana E Hoffman Jr
Location (Country, City, etc)
Usa, West Chazy, Ny , 12992
Profession or Student status
Disabled & part time self empolyed
Company or School
Extreme Computers
Your goals in the Fedora Legacy Project
I want to be a part of helping fedora project, I have time and I am willing to learn
Which OS versions are you interested in?
fedora 3,4,5,6, etc...
Do you want to do QA for packages?
If I can learn it I will. *
Anything else special?
I am willing to learn and help as much as I can possible for the fedora project
If I get stuck I like to do my research and ask around, this is one really nice thing about
fedora is it a friendly people o/s I think.
What other projects have you worked on in the past?
This will be my first project :)
What computer languages and other skills do you know?
I dont have know computer languages
Why should we trust you?
I want to help the community with this project, I will be loyal and honest at all times.
I will be proud to be part of the fedora project.
Be sure that your GPG key is uploaded to pgp.mit.edu. Use "gpg --
keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-key KEYID".
gpg --fingerprint 2C3A3E42
pub 1024D/2C3A3E42 2006-11-16
Key fingerprint = 3C07 CCC8 9E75 900A 0C16 44C6 648F 5940 2C3A 3E42
sub 2048g/C87D953D 2006-11-16
thank you
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Mortgage rates as low as 4.625% - $150,000 loan for $579 a month. Intro-*Terms
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